Training of Cashew Farmers on Cashew Juice and Meat Production from Cashew Apples by VAR Scientists

Cashew juice extraction

Training of Cashew Farmers on Cashew Juice and Meat Production from Cashew Apples by VAR Scientists

A team of Research Scientists from Value Added Research (VAR) Department of the Institute embarked on a week training programme aimed at addressing the post-harvest wastages and under-utilization of cashew apples among cashew farmers. This trend has become worrisome as much attention is placed on the nuts, while the apples are left to waste away in the farm. Furthermore, there is lack of knowledge and skills in the processing and post- harvest handling of cashew apples by farmers.

To address this, training of cashew farmers in some selected States in the South West on the technology for the production of cashew juice and cashew meat from cashew apples was carried out to further educate and sensitize cashew farmers on the benefits that are derivable from cashew apple. The scientists include – Dr. (Mrs.) Jayeola, C.O, Dr. Yahaya, L.E and Dr. Richard Igbinadolor while Mr. Adesokan, M.A took charge of the extracting machine.

Group photograph with farmers

The training was done on-farm in the farmers’ cashew plots. The first point of call was at Alaropo-Nla village in Orire local Government area, Ikoyi ile in Ogbomoso where cashew farmers were taught on the nutritional composition of cashew apples, the health benefits, products derivable from the apples and training on the use of CRIN fabricated cashew juice extracting machine to express the juice from the apple. This was processed and bottled to make cashew juice.

Training of cashew farmers at Odo-Ogun cashew farm in Iseyin Local Government Area comprises of cashew farmers from Itesiwaju, Ibarapa, Atisbo and Kajola, respectively. On-farm demonstration and training was also carried. Farmers were also taught on the technology for the production of cashew juice and meat from cashew bagasse and its health benefits for vegetarians. The training was also extended to cashew farmers at Irewole-Aroje in Saki area of Oyo State.

This training of cashew farmers on cashew juice and meat production will create various opportunities to increase farmer’s income, make rural economies stronger, help in creating raw materials for industries, improve food nutrition due to Vitamin C content in cashew apple and reduction of wastages associated with cashew apples.

Previous Low Yield: CRIN Trains Cashew Farmers on Best Farming Practices

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The Cocoa Research Institute of Nigeria (CRIN) was established in Ibadan, Oyo State on 1st December, 1964 as a successor autonomous rese arch organisation to the Nigerian Substation of the defunct West African Cocoa Research Institute (WACRI)

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